Garden of Eden
The wild, earthly, Garden-of-Eden vibe is going to be big for gardens this year. So how do you translate that aesthetic to your own backyard? For starters, try mixing in edible plants with the rest of your landscape—don't just contain them to raised beds. This trend is also all about nurturing nature by incorporating pollinator- and bird-friendly plants, using organic products, and being mindful of soil health.
Architectural Simplicity
This elegant trend is inspired by travel (think: European estates, wineries, or luxe hotels) and invokes the feeling of elegance, history and tradition. To copy this trend at home, you’ll want to stick to a limited color palette (for instance, green and white) and repeat forms through masses and rows for a strong visual impact. Topiaries, sculptural succulents, boxwood hedges, and garden walls all work well for this trend.
Upscale Relaxation
We could all use a little extra R&R, and this trend is about mimicking the feeling of being on vacation in your own backyard.
This landscape trend relies on plants with different ombre shades, texture foliage, tropicals, and grasses that catch the breeze.
New Victorian
Gardeners are gravitating towards more traditional garden plants such as roses, lilac, hydrangeas, and hollyhock.
Though the New Victorian trend is casual and rambling, it's not disorganized. It also usually features a more feminine palette of pink, purple, and white flowers, along with delicate foliage. The trend is punctuated with romantic garden accents such as white fences, gravel or brick pathways, birdbaths, and stone planters.
Scandinavian Minimalism
This trend embraces the Danish concept of hygge, or finding (and creating!) coziness and comfort in your surroundings.o nail the Scandinavian Minimalism trend in your own yard, opt for plants such as Colorado Blue Spruce, Blue Juniper and Big Bluestem.
Waterwise Plants
Due to droughts and other extreme weather conditions, water conservation has become top of mind and is more than just a passing trend.
Japanese-Inspired Gardens
Ancient Japanese gardens are known for their beautiful minimalism and intentional asymmetry. The contemporary version of this garden style will make your outdoor space feel like a relaxing retreat through the use of groomed leafy foliage, sculptural rocks and water features.
Source: https://www.veranda.com
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